Bulldog Essentials: 5 Things Bulldogs Need For a Pawesome Life

Bulldog Essentials: 5 Things Bulldogs Need For a Pawesome Life

Bulldog Essentials: 5 Things Bulldogs Need For a Pawesome Life

These bulldog essentials can help solve some some of the most common problems experienced by this loveable breed.

Bulldogs are sweet, adorable, and so much fun, but they tend to be more sensitive than other dog breeds and require extra special care to maintain optimum health. Bulldogs are a brachycephalic (or short-nosed) breed, which puts them at a greater risk for health issues. Certain bulldog essentials can help combat common issues and help your pup live the healthiest and happiest life pawssible.

Some of the most common health issues bulldogs face include:

  • Allergies
  • Skin infections, rashes and hot spots
  • Dry nose
  • Heatstroke
  • Dry, rough, red, or inflamed paw pads
  • Knee and joint issues
  • Tight tails or pocket tails

Many of the issues listed above link right back to number one—an increased sensitivity to certain allergens. Allergies can be sparked by food or something in your dog’s environment.

#1. Dry, Rough, Crusty, Red, or Damaged Dog Nose

Bulldog Essential Solution: Snout Soother

bulldog essentialsShort-nosed breeds are more prone to issues with breathing and their nose. Also, allergies can show up on your dog’s nose as well, say for instance they are allergic to their food or even the bowls they are fed out of. A dry or cracked dog nose is uncomfortable and prohibits your dog from utilizing their strongest sense, their smeller.

Bulldogs are extra sensitive, so you want to avoid applying just anything to their delicate noses. Snout Soother is safe, all-natural, and highly effective when it comes to soothing and healing dry, cracked or otherwise damaged dog noses.

Learn more about Snout Soother

#2. Skin Infections or Rashes

Bulldog Essential Solution: Skin Soother & Wrinkle Balm

Bulldogs are covered in adorable wrinkles. As cute as they may be, wrinkles are the perfect place for bacteria to grow and flourish. This is especially bulldog essentialstrue with facial wrinkles, where food and moisture often settle in the folds of your dog’s skin. Daily cleanings are essential to keep your bulldog’s wrinkles clean, dry and free of irritants and infections.

Wrinkle Balm is specially formulated to treat irritated and infected wrinkles. The all-natural and vegan balm is made from carefully sourced ingredients and can be used all around your dog’s face. After all, it’s safe enough to eat—because we know how much dogs love to lick!

Learn more about Wrinkle Balm

Bulldogs are also prone to hot spots and skin irritations, often related to allergies. Skin Soother can calm and soothe inflamed skin, while simultaneously treating the underlying issue.

Learn more about Skin Soother

#3. Tight Tail Pocket

Bulldog Essential Solution: Wrinkle Balm

Similar to your bulldog’s wrinkled face and body, they may have tight creases in their tail, especially if they have a tight tail pocket. Tight tails require regular cleaning to prevent infection. The tighter your dog’s tail, the greater the risk of infection because air circulation is prohibited.

After regular cleanings, apply Wrinkle Balm to your dog’s tail pocket to help prevent infections. The soothing all-natural balm can even help heal current infections thanks to its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

Learn more about Wrinkle Balm

#4. Rough, Dry, or Peeling Paw Pads

Bulldog Essential Solution: Paw Soother & Pawtection

bulldog essentialsHot asphalt, sand, snow, rough concrete; there are so many different surfaces that can cause severe wear and tear on your bulldog’s paw pads. Additionally, allergies can cause your dog’s paws to become irritated. If your dog’s paws feel rough to the touch, are peeling, flaking, or irritated, he/she needs relief—and fast! Flaking and damaged paw pads can be very painful. If left untreated the issue will only get progressively worse as your dog licks, chews, and further irritates the paw and surrounding tissues.

Paw Soother can help reduce discomfort while providing much-needed moisture thanks to a special blend of vegan, organic and 100% natural herbal-based butters and plant oils. It is effective at treating dry, chapped or rough paws caused by extreme weather conditions, allergies, or hyperkeratosis.

PawTection is the sister product to Paw Soother, it is more wax-based to provide additional protection to paw pads. Sort of like slipping on a pair of socks, PawTection provides a barrier between your bulldog’s paws and ground surfaces.bulldog essentials

Learn more about Paw Soother

We know how much dogs love licking their paws! Thankfully, Paw Soother and PawTection are made with 100% natural ingredients that should not cause any health issues if your dog ingests them.

Learn more about PawTection

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